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- Federal agencies not on usajobs official payments hub
FERPA is a federal law that gives parents the right to have access to their children's education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records.
When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student. Contact the school district where you attended high school or your state department of education.
If you attended a non-public school , you will want to contact the school directly. Department of Education does not maintain transcript records of any school.
Congress has passed two major pieces of legislation that generally require local educational agencies LEAs receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of ESEA to give military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as they provide to postsecondary institutions or to prospective employers. LEAs are also generally required to provide students' names, addresses, and telephone listings to military recruiters, when requested.
The information is used specifically for armed services recruiting purposes and to inform young people of scholarship opportunities.
Schools are required to provide notice to parents, allowing them an opportunity to opt out of providing the information to recruiters. The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment PPRA is a federal law that affords certain rights to parents of minor students with regard to surveys that ask questions of a personal nature.
Briefly, the law requires that schools obtain written consent from parents before minor students are required to participate in any U.
Department of Education funded survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning the following areas:. When schools close, the generally accepted practice is for the school to make arrangements with the state-licensing agency to store their records.
If you are trying to find your academic records from a closed school, you should contact the state licensing agency in the state in which the school was located to ask whether the state made arrangements to store the records.
Information about financial aid and closed schools is also available. The requirements for teacher certification and licensing are determined by state departments of education. Licensing is the process by which a government agency grants a license to an individual who has met certain requirements. Certification is the process by which an individual with certain qualifications is recognized. For information on the requirements for obtaining a license and certification, please contact the state department of education in the state where you wish to teach.
If you have credentials from overseas, you may need to seek credential evaluation services to become certified as a teacher in the U. Degree, diploma, and credit recognition are not performed or regulated by the federal government.
Recognition is not usually done by state or local governments either. In many cases this work is delegated to private credential evaluation services and the resulting evaluations are recognized as valid. For more information on this topic, please see the foreign qualifications page.
Currently, there is no certification program that is accepted in all states. Some states offer reciprocity for certifications obtained in other states. Contact your state department of education to ask about reciprocity. If you are a teacher serving in a low-income or subject-matter shortage area, it might be possible for you to cancel or defer a portion of your federal student loans.
Eligibility requirements are determined by the type of loan s the teacher has out:. Cancellation for Perkins Loans : If you have a loan from the Federal Perkins Loan Program, you may be eligible for loan cancellation for full-time teaching at a low-income school or in certain subject areas. Cancellation for Stafford Loans : If you received a Stafford loan on or after October 1, , and have taught full-time for five years in a low-income school, you may be eligible to have a portion of the loan cancelled.
Eligible teachers apply for Perkins loan forgiveness from the office that administers the Perkins loan program at the college or university that holds his or her loan, and for Stafford loan forgiveness through the lender or servicer of his or her loan. More information is available at Student Aid on the Web.
In addition, the program helps these individuals find employment in high-need LEAs or charter schools. Members of the armed forces who wish to receive the program's assistance for placement as an elementary or secondary school teacher must have a baccalaureate or advanced degree, and their last period of service in the armed forces must have been honorable.
To apply for this program, visit the Troops-to-Teachers website. The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education OESE supports teachers, principals, school leaders, and other educators as they help to launch the problem-solvers and innovators of the future. OESE supports State and local efforts to implement evidence-based teacher development programs, enhance professional development for new teachers, and encourage alternative routes to teaching certification through grants to states, local education agencies LEAs , institutes for higher education IHEs , or other organizations.
Toggle navigation U. Student Loans Grants Laws Data. Department of Education ED. Budget Can you provide information on the ED budget? How can I conduct business with ED? How do I contact the Department to ask a question or file a complaint? Who has been appointed to serve as U. Secretary of Education? King Jr. Riley Lamar Alexander Lauro F. Cavazos William J. Bennett Terrel H. Bell Shirley M.
Hufstedler How do I seek employment with ED? How does the Department engage parents and families? How do I comment on a federal register notice submitted by the Department? When was ED established and what is its mission? Under this law, ED's purpose is to: Strengthen the Federal commitment to assuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual; Supplement and complement the efforts of states, the local school systems and other instrumentalities of the states, the private sector, public and private nonprofit educational research institutions, community-based organizations, parents, and students to improve the quality of education; Encourage the increased involvement of the public, parents, and students in Federal education programs; Promote improvements in the quality and usefulness of education through Federally supported research, evaluation, and sharing of information; Improve the coordination of Federal education programs; Improve the management of Federal education activities; and Increase the accountability of Federal education programs to the President, the Congress, and the public.
How do I apply for an internship with the Department? What is the School Ambassador Fellowship Program? Career, Technical, and Adult Education. Adult Education Funding What funding and resources does the Department offer for professional adults?
How can I find an adult literacy program in my area? Are there assistance programs for adults to develop work skills? Can I take an exam to receive a diploma or certificate? Where can I find an adult English-language learner program near me? How do I obtain my professional or occupational license nursing, social work, accountant, contractor etc.
Civil Rights. What is the Civil Rights Data Collection? Information about collecting and reporting data for the CRDC is available at How do I file a complaint of discrimination? Where can I view pending civil rights investigations? What is Section ? What is Title VI? What does "race, color, or national origin" mean within the context of Title VI? What is Title IX? Early Childhood Education. Child Care Resources Does the Department provide child care resources?
How do I know if my infant or toddler is eligible for early intervention services? What early learning programs does the Department offer for school readiness? How can I locate a Head Start program?
Elementary and Secondary Education. Afterschool Programs How do I find a quality after school program for my child? My child is being bullied in school. How can you help? What is a certificate of completion? Below are some important facts about certificates of completion: A certificate of completion, or its equivalent, is not an academic credential, but certifies attendance in high school.
They cannot be used as a prerequisite for admission to a postsecondary institution, or any other program that requires a high school degree. Recipients of certificates are not prevented from returning to receive a full diploma or high school equivalency degree. Information about state graduation requirements and certificate policies can be found by contacting your state department of education.
What are Charter Schools? How do I file a complaint against a school? What is Constitution Day and what are schools required to do on this day? I am concerned about discipline and safety in our schools. Where can I get information and assistance?
The following resources provide information on school safety, order and related topics: The Office of Safe and Supportive Schools OSSS addresses; the health and well-being of students as well as school safety, security, and emergency management and preparedness. OSSS administers, coordinates, and recommends policy as well as administers grant programs and technical assistance centers addressing the overall safety and health of the school community.
The Readiness and Emergency Management REMS Technical Assistance TA Center supports schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education IHEs , by providing a hub of information, resources, training, and services in the field of school and higher education emergency operations planning.
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments NCSSLE offers information and technical assistance to States, districts, schools, institutions of higher learning, and communities focused on improving school climate and conditions for learning.
How can I find out about national education standards and curricula? How do I enroll my child in school? What rights do homeless children have to a public education? My child's first language is not English. What kind of bilingual or English as a Second Language programs are available? How do I locate a school or district? What programs are available for children of migrant families? What is the role of religion and prayer in the public schools?
What is the school lunch program, and how do children qualify for it? I am concerned about a school policy or its implementation. Can you help? Federal Student Aid. How can I obtain my E interest statement?
What are plans? There are two types of plans: Prepaid Tuition: Parents, grandparents, and other interested parties may lock in today's tuition rates, and the program will pay out future college tuition at any of the state's eligible colleges or universities or an equal payment to private and out-of-state institutions. I was contacted by a company that says they work with you, and that I may be eligible for loan forgiveness, is this true? The Federal Trade Commission has a free educational website— Consumer.
How do I apply for the one-time student loan cancellation? Can I get my loan discharged if my school closed? If you were on an approved leave of absence, you are considered to have been enrolled at the school. Your school closes within days after you withdraw. You are not eligible for discharge of your loans if your school closes and any of the following is true: You withdraw more than days before the school closes.
You are completing a comparable educational program at another school through a teach-out agreement with the school, by transferring academic credits or hours earned at the closed school to another school, or by any other comparable means. You have completed all the coursework for the program, even if you have not received a diploma or certificate. Be sure to continue to make payments on your loan while your discharge application is being processed. Find out what happens if your loan discharge is approved.
Find out what happens if your loan discharge is denied. What are my options to get out of default? How do I get my loan cancelled due to disability? How can I find out about educational benefits under the GI Bill for veterans and their dependents? How do I apply for Federal funding? How do I apply for federal grants and loans from the Department? Department of Education's student financial assistance programs include: Grants: Financial aid you generally do not have to repay.
What is Federal Work Study? How can I file a complaint related to Federal Student Aid? How can my higher education institution offer federal financial aid? Can I have my loans forgiven?
Medical Professionals may also be eligible for loan forgiveness through the National Health Service Corps. Department of Health and Human Services, offers registered nurses substantial assistance to repay educational loans in exchange for service in critical shortage facilities.
How can I get a Pell grant for school? Can I change my repayment plan? Where can I view my federal student loan and grant history, and find out where to make my loan payment? Grant Program Funding. Which grants are inviting applications for new awards? How do I know if I am eligible for a Federal grant? How can I apply to be a grant reader for the U.
Department of Education? How do I report fraud, waste, abuse, misuse or mismanagement of ED program funds? Higher Education. Accreditation How do I find out if the school I want to attend is accredited? How do I file a complaint against a college? Listed below is contact information for these issues: Office of the Inspector General investigates fraud, waste or abuse of federal educational funds, including federal student aid funds.
Federal Student Aid's Ombudsman will help resolve issues regarding student loan complaints, by working with you and the lender. Office for Civil Rights OCR enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. You may contact OCR at 1 or locate the enforcement office that serves your state or territory.
How can I find which colleges offer the program I'm interested in? What is the Higher Education Opportunity Act? How can I find a legitimate online or distance education program? Where can I find information on campus safety?
How can I find information on the number of colleges, postsecondary degrees or faculty in the U. International Education. More projects See all our projects. Learn more.
Veterans Affairs Helping Veterans upgrade their Discharge Status A customized, plain language tool gives Veterans step-by-step guidance for submitting a strong application to upgrade their discharge status. Department of Homeland Security Helping schools keep students safe A website that empowers emergency managers and K—12 administrators with the information they need to improve school safety. We need you. The federal government is, by its own admission, a huge and complex bureaucracy, if not by design, then certainly by necessity.
Simply put, even at the state level, the vast array of functions and responsibilities that are in the hands of government agencies requires large organizational structure and hierarchies that have to be both efficient and fair.
That requires a lot of manpower, and a fair amount of judicious oversight and careful enforcement. In other words, it's complicated. And, the process of applying for government jobs had become so impenetrably complex and convoluted that in President Obama issued an executive order to improve and reform federal job recruitment and hiring procedures. As a result, the USAJOBS , the central online hub for federal civilian job openings, has become somewhat more user-friendly, and a new version of the old civil service exam has emerged in the form of USA Hire , an online assessment tool that the Office of Personnel Management indicates is already in use for 10 percent of all federal job openings.
Here are some helpful resources for finding and applying for government jobs at the federal level:. USA Hire. Office of Personnel Management, Disability Employment. There are also a number of professional organizations that can be helpful resources for jobseekers, and for those already employed in the government jobs.
They can offer professional advice, continuing education opportunities, job bulletins, and other assets unique to particular fields in government employment.
Here are some of the more notable professional societies for government workers:. The Government Employees Association: A nonprofit organization serving veterans and government employees since Society of Government Meeting Professionals: An organization dedicated to helping government managers and administrators improve the quality and cost effectiveness of government meetings.
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture: An organization of food safety professionals and agricultural administrators aimed at fostering cooperation among state departments of agriculture, and the federal government. Society of American Foresters: An organization that provides information, networking opportunities and educations assets for forestry professionals.
American Public Works Association: An organization that serves the community of professionals who plan, build and maintain civil infrastructure projects. National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association: A nonprofit organization that helps federal employees understand a protect retirement and healthcare benefits. One of the signature achievements of Bill Clinton's presidency was the establishment of AmeriCorps, a Corporation for Federal and Community Service that was conceived as something of a domestic analog to the Peace Corps.
Created by the National Community Service and Trust Act of , AmeriCorps is essentially a funding and organizational framework to help foster community nonprofit agencies. Its primary areas of focus are education, environmental sustainability, public safety and healthcare. As of the latest report from the Corporation for Federal and Community Service, AmeriCorps had more than 75, full- and part-time volunteer workers engaged in community-based programs and initiative across the country.
In addition to being a valuable and rewarding personal experience, participation in AmeriCorps, which is one of the ways to earn student debt relief through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, can be valuable training for a professional career.
The organization offers professional development and resume resources, and it looks good on a resume as well. Those who participate the AmeriCorps VISTA program can then become eligible for preferred status in the hunt for a federal government job.
While that doesn't guarantee a civil service job, federal agencies are allowed to hire those with noncompetitive eligibility without going through the full hiring process. Those with noncompetitive eligibility status are also able to apply for jobs that are only open to those already employed by the federal government.
For more information on AmeriCorps and careers in government, click on the link below. Department of Veterans Affairs VA. It's faster and easier than the competitive process. Provides reasonable accommodations to qualified employees. You can also apply for jobs through the competitive hiring process. It covers Schedule A and other factors in applying for a job.
Find summer jobs, internships, and permanent positions through the Workforce Recruitment Program. Special hiring authorities let agencies appoint vets with service-connected disabilities to jobs. If you are experiencing discrimination or harassment at your employer, first inform your manager or the human resources department.
If neither help, use these government resources. To file a complaint, contact your EEOC field office.
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